Christmas 2014 has come and gone and our bellies have finally had time to rest so we can reflect on our holidays this year! With a combination of work parties, friends gathering and the traditional Christmas day family dinner, we can safely say we need a rest from prepping food for a large group of people. Thankfully, we had some help this year from Real Food Toronto and Toronto Don Valley Hotel ! Two of the biggest struggles for us every Christmas is braving the supermarkets close to Christmas time when it's almost like playing sardines and prepping a turkey dinner for a big group... It's always a mission to figure out when to put the food in to make sure everything is still piping hot when your guests arrive, not to mention the turkey itself needs a good 4-6 hours of TLC in your not so industrial size oven! Luckily for us, both of our problems were made a slightly easier. If you've never been on RealFoodToronto 's website, you are missing out. The are an online org...